Wine cellar news
2013Started phytosanitary protection in 2013
E' iniziata la difesa fitosanitaria della vite anche per l'annata in corso. Venerdì è stato eseguito il primo trattamento con soli rame e zolfo (come da difesa biologica). Le frequenti piogge di q... continue
2013sMart Wine Experience - Friday, April 26
Friday, April 26, will take place from 19.00 to 23.30 at the Mart in Rovereto (TN) (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), the SMART WINE EXPERIENCE.
To organize it will be the GIOVANI IN FE... continue -
2013April does you discover
After a very cold early spring, we've seen an exceptional increase in temperatures. That is, however, lasted very little, in fact the rains this weekend will bring a lowering of the me... continue- 16
2013Environmental sustainability: sexual confusion even against Eulia pulchellana
Ormai da anni la nostra azienda, come del resto il 99% delle aziende agricole trentine, adotta la lotta della confusione sessuale contro Tignola e Tignoletta. Entramb... continue- 15
2013post Vinitaly and start of spring
Vinitaly is over. Exceptiona Editionl. We have to thank all our customers and friends who came to visit us and taste our wines. You have been many. The wine industry has been an are... continue
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