Since 1858 in Mezzocorona
The winery is situated in the historical centre of Mezzocorona, right in the heart of the town, between Piazza della Chiesa (Franz Joseph Platz) and Piazza San Gottardo, in a typically rural setting.
Initially, the cellar was located in Piazza della Chiesa, but in 1906 it was moved to via Dante 5, where it is still situated today, a few tens of meters from the former premises.
The buildings date back to three different periods in history. The main block was constructed at the end of 1800, another part in 1906 and the last extension dates back to 1955. 1998 saw the restructuring of the existing winery on the ground floor.
The cellar is on three floors, the ground floor adjacent to the inner courtyard and two floors beneath ground level. The premises of the ground floor, thanks to the thick stone walls, have a temperature conducive to preservation of the wine without the use of air conditioners, except for the old barn, where the walls are thinner. The two underground floors also create ideal conditions for the storage of wine, with an almost constant humidity and temperature throughout the year.